A Social Distancing Message from Your Principal
Wildwood School offers rich resources and programs to a multi-ethnic and multi-racial community of 424 students in Kindergarten through grade six. School staff works to help each child become her/his personal best.
Parents are closely involved in the school program through the School Council, PTO and as “valuable volunteers” in the classrooms. Curriculum, instruction and assessment are guided by best practices in education.
Multiculturalism is honored and diversity is celebrated through the daily life in the school, as well as materials chosen, themes studied and festivals held. Students’ heritages span six continents and students and staff speak over 20 languages.
All students participate in art, music and physical education. Instrumental lessons, chorus, band and orchestra are offered to students in grades 3-6.
Special needs students receive a wide variety of services. Technology is an integral part of learning. Students use computers in the technology laboratory, the library and then classrooms.
The five colleges in the Amherst area contribute to education at our school through on-going learning opportunities for the staff and through the support of student interns. Wildwood School is a vibrant learning community where students flourish.
Principal: Nick Yaffe
Assistant Principal: Allison Estes
Main Office: (413) 362-1400
School Hours: 8:10 am – 2:40 pm
Weather Cancellation Line: (413) 362-1898
Absence Notification Line: (413) 362-1401
*If you find any issues with our site (broken links or empty pages) please contact Sasha Figueroa at . Thank you for your help!