Dual Language Program Update

Home 5 Dual Language Program Update

This page contains information regarding the exploration of a possible Dual Language Program. The Enrollment Working Group will use this page to update with research results, presentations, helpful links and other information relevant to the Program. For questions regarding the exploration or the Working Group, please contact Debbie Westmoreland.

See the Amherst Media’s “Window into ARPS: Dual Language Program Presentation.”  For more information please see some of these helpful links: 

  • Superintendent Morris and other district representatives will be visiting local childcare centers and preschools to share information about the dual language exploration in Amherst.  Visit this link for an Informational brochure.
    • Brochure for visit to Amherst Community Childcare on September 19, 2018
    • Brochure for visit to Spring Street Preschool on September 25, 2018
    • Brochure for visit to Cushman Scott Children’s Center on September 26, 2018
    • Brochure for visit to Center for Early Education and Care on September 27, 2018
    • Brochure for visit to Crocker Farm Preschool on October 1, 2018
  • There will be two identical information sessions on April 4th at the Jones Library in the Woodbury Room. The first will begin at 9:30 a.m. and the second at 4:00 p.m. For additional information regarding this event please see the English/Spanish Dual Language Program Flyer. The Dual Language Exploration presentation is also available.  Habrá dos sesiones de información idénticas el 4 de abril en la Biblioteca Jones en la Sala Woodbury. La primera comenzará a las 9:30 am y la segunda a las 4:00 pm. Para obtener información adicional sobre este evento, consulte el folleto del programa de idioma dual.
    También habrá una sesión informativa en español sobre la exploración del programa de lenguaje dual inglés / español el 25 de abril del 2018 a las 10 a.m. en el Centro de Familia de ARPS en la escuela intermedia. Por favor, consulte el folleto de lenguaje dual del 25 de abril del 2018 para más detalles.
  • On February 27, 2018 MABE (Multistate Association for Bilingual Education) presented this Dual Language Education Handout to the Amherst School Committee.