Amherst-Pelham Regional Public Schools




170 Chestnut Street,
Amherst MA 01002


Home 5 Registration

For elementary registration (grades K-6), please contact Mildred Martinez (413) 362-1871 or email  

Massachusetts Registration Fact Sheet

Policy AC: Commitment to Nondiscrimination and Educational Equity

The Amherst-Pelham Regional District, the Amherst Public Schools, and the Pelham Elementary School do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, economic status, homelessness, political party, or disability in admission to, access to, employment in, or treatment by its programs and activities.” Enrollment is for residents of Amherst Massachusetts only.

Children MUST be 5 years of age on or before September 1, 2024, to be accepted into Kindergarten.

Link: 2024-2025 On-Line Registration for Grades K-6

It’s crucial to note that submitting documentation does not automatically guarantee acceptance. Our team will thoroughly review and verify the provided documents. Upon approval, students will be allocated a student number and added to PowerSchool, with families receiving notifications from the Registrar’s Office.

Please submit documents here: UPLOAD DOCUMENTS

The information will be reviewed to determine if your child is eligible to attend our schools and the school will contact you directly with more information.

Please see the documents required for registration below:


Student Identification:
Original Birth Certificate
Proof of Birth/Temporary Card (given at the hospital)


Parent/Guardian Identification is required for admission and should be brought to registration:

Government-issued photographic form of identification:
Driver’s License or State ID

Custody Records: If applicable to your family situation, proof of physical custody, which has been granted by a court of law, must be submitted.

The official court-issued documents or official letters from the Department of Children and Families

Immunization records must be documented by a licensed healthcare provider or school health record and must include the month, date, and year of each immunization. Massachusetts State law does NOT allow a student to be enrolled until the immunization documentation is presented and shows that the student is fully immunized.


Physical Examination of School Children ( Medical Form )
A physical examination by a licensed physician is required for all children entering:

  • Preschool
  • Kindergarten
  • 4th grade
  • students new to the school system

Proof of Residency:

The parent/legal guardian and student(s) need to be included in the Lease/Section 8 agreement as authorized tenants.

To see which school your child will attend see the Elementary School Finder below, enter your address, and go into the map section. The school will show on the left-hand side of the page.  Elementary School Finder


 Under Massachusetts law, a child may attend the schools of the town in which s/he resides.  To attend public school in Amherst, in Pelham, or the Regional District, a student must reside permanently in Amherst, in Pelham, or one of the Regional towns, respectively, and must reside with at least one parent or legal guardian who has physical custody.  Typically, the residence of a child under 18 is the residence of the parent(s)/legal guardian(s) who has/has physical custody of the child. “Residence” is the place where a person dwells currently, remains, and is in the town that is the core of his/her domestic, social, and civil life.

The School District may require a variety of documentation to establish proof of residency and custody.  Investigations may be made by school officials to ensure that a student maintains a bona fide permanent residence in the town.  Parents/guardians are under a continuing obligation to inform the School District of any changes to a student’s residential status

Students over 18 and living apart from parents/guardians in one of the Region’s towns are entitled to attend school as residents.  Children who are undocumented immigrants and residing in the school districts are entitled to attend school as residents.  Students who are placed in a residence in town by a public agency are entitled to attend school as residents.  This residency policy does not apply to homeless students.

Any student who is determined to be a non-resident while enrolled in a school in any of the districts will be dismissed for non-residency.  The dismissal may be appealed to the Superintendent, and the student may be allowed to remain in school pending the outcome of the appeal.


Change of Address:

If you have moved within the school district, please contact your child’s school to report the new address and provide proof of residency. Please review the required documents for proof of Residency. MA Public School attendance is based on where a student resides and only resident students can attend. If you have moved to another community, please contact the school about how to withdraw your student and request that records be sent to the new school.

Change of Address Form


School Withdrawal

If you have moved or will be transferring your child to another public, private, or charter school, please contact the Main Office at your child’s school to withdraw your child, and use the “Student Withdrawals” link to unenroll.

Student Withdrawal K-6

Student Withdrawal 7-12

Homeless Information

If you are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless, the Family Center may be able to help you.  Contact the ARPS Family Center at 413 362-1871.