Amherst-Pelham Regional Public Schools




170 Chestnut Street,
Amherst MA 01002

Policy KI: Public Access to Students

Home 5 Policy KI: Public Access to Students

Students attending the public schools have a right to pursue their education, including school-related activities, free of interruption by people not associated with the schools or school programs. This right extends to the school grounds as well as to the school buildings.Consequently, students should not be subjected to situations in which they are required to interact with members of the public without their prior consent or that of their parents, as appropriate.

The schools receive many visitors – parents, researchers,investigators, recruiters, news reporters and others – who contribute much to the achievement of our educational goals. School officials have the responsibility to manage access to the schools and school grounds by visitors in a manner that is consistent with the primary purpose of the schools, which is education.

All visitors who wish to meet, speak with, interview or photograph students must first request permission from the Principal’s Office.Such request should state clearly the purpose of the visit. The Principal will determine the appropriateness of the request and the time, location and conditions for such meetings.

(See also Policy KB Parent Involvement in the Schools and KF Use of Public School Facilities after Regular School Hours.)


MGL  71:71 Use of School Property; Purposes
MGL 272:40 Disturbance of School or Public Meeting


Policy KB

Region Voted to Approve: 10/8/91
Amherst Voted to Approve: 11/19/91
Pelham Voted to Approve:
Effective Date: 10/8/91