Amherst-Pelham Regional Public Schools




170 Chestnut Street,
Amherst MA 01002

Policy KCDA: Gifts made for General and/or Specific Purposes

Home 5 Policy KCDA: Gifts made for General and/or Specific Purposes

An individual or group wishing to make a monetary gift or to donate goods or services to the School District must adhere to the following:

  1. Gifts may be made to the school or School District for a specified or unspecified purpose by submitting a letter identifying the funds as a gift and outlining any expected use of said funds. The gift should be to the School District (Amherst Schools, Pelham Elementary School, or Amherst-Pelham Regional School District) and it should be forwarded to the School District’s Business Office. The School Committee will accept gifts at their discretion on behalf of the School District.
  2. School Department Procedures
    1. Upon acceptance by the School Committee, said gift will be deposited in a separate account reserved for gifts and to which all expenditures shall be so charged.
    2. Purchases in line with the intent of the gift shall be made by purchase order issued by the School District in accordance with normal purchasing procedures.

The School Committee reserves the right to review and reject any gift when it deems acceptance to be inappropriate. Reasons for rejection may include but are not limited to:

  • The gift will require special supplies or maintenance, or entail other significant costs that are not covered by the gift. Such gifts may be subject to acceptance on the condition that sufficient additional funds will accompany the gift to cover such additional costs or maintenance for any period designated by the School Committee;
  • The gift is incompatible with existing or planned curriculum, programs, facilities, or equipment, or with School Committee policy;
  • The gift may offer a disproportionate advantage in educational opportunity to a specific classroom, school or segment of the school population;
  • The gift is construed by the School Committee as compromising the educational integrity of the district schools;
  • The gift would involve unreasonable acknowledgment of or advertising by the donor.


MGL44:53A , 71:37A

Region Voted to Approve: 8/05/08
Amherst Voted to Approve: 9/09/08
Pelham Voted to Approve: 10/16/08
Effective Date: 10/16/08