Amherst-Pelham Regional Public Schools




170 Chestnut Street,
Amherst MA 01002

Policy KB: Parent Involvement in the Schools

Home 5 Policy KB: Parent Involvement in the Schools

The School Committees endorse the concept that participation by parents with staff in the planning, programs and activities of the schools is one of the essential components of a continuing effort to improve the educational opportunities and experiences of all students. They therefore encourage and expect the following:

  • A Parent Advisory Council or similar advisory group, to exist in each school to work closely with the Principal and staff in efforts to support and improve the school programs and activities.
  • Opportunities in all schools for parents to hear and see descriptions and explanations of the instructional programs.
  • Opportunities in all schools for all parents to visit individually the schools and classrooms at times and with appropriate procedures reasonable for both parents and staff.
  • A parent to serve as a member of all interviewing teams used in the selection process for recommending persons to the Superintendent for appointment as teachers and administrators.


Region Voted to Approve: 11/30/83

Amherst Voted to Approve: 1/3/83
Pelham Voted to Approve: 1/11/83
Effective Date: 11/30/83