Amherst-Pelham Regional Public Schools




170 Chestnut Street,
Amherst MA 01002

Policy JIC: Student Conduct

Home 5 Policy JIC: Student Conduct

The elementary, middle, and high school administrators together willdevelop and implement, with the cooperation of teachers and students, acode of conduct that will be distributed to all students andparents/guardians. To provide continuity and consistency of expectationsto the students, the code of conduct shall be as consistent as possibleacross the schools and the three school districts. The high schoolcode of conduct and the middle school code of conduct will be reviewedand approved each year by the Regional School Committee.

Furthermore, the School Committee directs the Superintendent todevelop guidelines and procedures in the areas of Prevention andPlanning, Response, Intervention, Student Support, and Monitoring touphold the standards of positive conduct. The Amherst Public Schools,Pelham Elementary School, and Amherst-Pelham Regional Schools aspire tothe following standards of positive conduct:

  • We aspire to high standards of physical, emotional, property, and safety. (1-16)

  • We aspire to high standards of multicultural schools. (17)

  • We aspire to high standards of personal respect and responsibility. (18)

  • We aspire to high standards of academic integrity. (19)

  • We aspire to high standards of school and class attendance. (20)

  • We aspire to high standards of compliance with authority. (21)

  • We aspire to high standards for safe schools. (22)

  • We aspire to high standards for a positive school climate. (23)

  • We aspire to high standards of responsible computer use and an authorized use policy (AUP). (24)

  • We aspire to high standards of vehicle use. (25)

(The numbers in the parentheses above match the Department ofEducation ID numbers 1-16 for reporting data to the state and correspondto the behavior and discipline classifications 1-25 in theAmherst-Pelham Regional High School handbook .)


MGL 71:37H

Region Voted to Approve: 8/29/06
Amherst Voted to Approve: 9/19/06
Pelham Voted to Approve: 9/07/06
Effective Date: 9/19/06