NOTE: Policy JFBA is currently suspended per Amherst School Committee vote on May 19, 2009
The Amherst School Committee permits parents to enroll their children in non-neighborhood schools, provided there is space available in the classes that receive students. Parents of children for whom open enrollment has been granted are expected to provide daily transportation to and from school for their children in a timely manner.
Space availability shall be determined by the superintendent using parameters established by the School Committee for maximum class sizes at each grade level, the availability of special programs and any other special factors that may reduce the maximum class size at a building.
Once granted open enrollment, a child shall usually be permitted to complete his or her elementary school education at the new school. Siblings of open-enrolled children shall not be given preference for open enrollment, but instead will be subject to the same space-availability criteria as other children.
Requests for open enrollment should be submitted to the Superintendent, who will make a decision on each request after consulting with the principals at the sending and receiving schools.
Amherst Voted to Approve: 9/21/99; voted to suspend new open enrollments 5/19/09
Effective Date: 9/21/99