The Amherst-Pelham Regional School Committee, in conjunction with the Superintendent and appropriate administrative staff, will conduct a review of the contract language and financial guidelines in planning collective bargaining. Such review will include:
A. Information to be gathered by the Superintendent and administrative staff:
- Review of contract language with appropriate administrators, personnel staff, supervisors and others to identify possible proposals.
- Consultation with all administrators and all members of the Amherst, Pelham, and Regional School Committees to obtain suggestions for contract proposals.
- Consultation with the Town Manager (or if there is no Town Administrator, the Chair of Select Board) and the Finance Committee of each town on financial guidelines for proposals.
B. Discussion of bargaining goals in Executive Session meetings:
- Review of bargaining goals in executive session with the Regional School Committee.
- Discussion by the Negotiating Team or by the Regional School Committee of bargaining goals with the Regional School Committee’s Negotiating Agent.
MGL 150:E1, 150E:2, 150E:3, 150E:4, 150E:5, 150E:6, 150E:7, 150E:8, 150E:9, 150E:10, 150E:11, 150E:12, 150E:13, 150E:14,150E:15, 30A:20, 30A:21, 30A:22, 30A:23, 71:37E
Region Voted to Approve: 9/27/11
Amherst Voted to Approve:
Pelham Voted to Approve:
Effective Date: