All school personnel in receipt of funds which in any way relate to aschool or public activity (public funds) must turn over said funds tothe Business Office for deposit to the appropriate account(s). Schoolpersonnel may not maintain accounts separate from the Business Office.
NOTE: In general, public funds are funds which are raised, collected,or are otherwise derived through, by or for a school/public individual,group or activity. (If unsure, contact the school department’s BusinessOffice for clarification).
Examples of Public Funds are as follows: Student Activity Funds,Kindergarten/Pre-School Snack Fees, Library Fines, Lost TextbookReimbursements, payments for Industrial Arts materials, Athletic GateReceipts, Athletic or Other Participation Fees, etc.
Region Voted to Approve: 8/8/95
Amherst Voted to Approve:
Pelham Voted to Approve:
Effective Date: 8/8/95