The School Committee may establish subcommittees and task forces as needed. These subcommittees may be created for a specific purpose and to make recommendations for Committee action.
- The subcommittee or taskforce will be established through action of the Committee.
- The Committee Chair will appoint the subcommittee chair and its members. Members may include School Committee members and other residents. Staff members and students also may be appointed to committees where appropriate.
- The subcommittee will be provided with a charge and a list of its functions and duties.
- The subcommittee may make recommendations for Committee action, but it may not act for the School Committee.
- The Committee Chair and Superintendent will be ex-officio members of all subcommittees.
- A subcommittee will be dissolved by the Committee upon completion of its assignment, or it may be dissolved by a vote of the Committee at any time.
Such groups will conduct meetings in open session, except when an executive session is necessary as prescribed by state law. (See also Policy BEC.) Meetings will be held at publicly announced times and places. A summary of the open meeting law will be given to each group Chair, with the requirement that the Central Office announce and post the times and locations of all meetings. (See also Policy BEDA .)
The existence of such groups, their membership, and specific tasks will be announced publicly at the time of appointment. The membership of each group will be available from the Central Office.
MGL 30A:18 , 30A:20, 30A:21, 30A:22
Region Voted to Approve: 11/25/08
Amherst Voted to Approve: 12/9/08
Pelham Voted to Approve: 12/4/08
Effective Date: 12/9/08