The Regional School Committee and the Superintendency Union #26 School Committee (a joint committee of the Amherst School Committee and Pelham School Committee existing for the purpose of employing a Superintendent, see MGL 71:63, see also Policy BEAA ) will appoint a joint Superintendent of Schools for a three year term who will be:
- The executive officer of the committee.
- The chief educational advisor of the committee.
- The accountable officer for all personnel in the School District.
- The liaison officer between the committee and all personnel of the School District, state agencies, and community groups or agencies.
Director of Finance or School Business Manager
The Regional School Committee, the Amherst School Committee, and the Pelham School Committee will appoint a joint Director of Finance or School Business Manager who will be responsible to the Superintendent of Schools for fiscal operations.
The Regional Committee will appoint a Treasurer who will be responsible to the Superintendent.
Other Personnel
The School Committees will approve the hiring of Assistant Superintendents, as recommended by the Superintendent. Such approval will not be unreasonably withheld. Assistant Superintendents will be responsible to the Superintendent of Schools.
The School Committees will approve the hiring of the director in charge of Special Education, as recommended by the Superintendent. Such approval will not be unreasonably withheld. The director in charge of Special Education will be responsible to the Superintendent of Schools.
MGL 71:16A , 71:36 , 71:59 , 71:61 , 71:63
Region Voted to Approve: 10/26/82 amended 12/2/08
Amherst Voted to Approve: 12/14/82 amended 12/9/08
Pelham Voted to Approve: 12/7/82 amended 12/4/08
Effective Date: 12/9/08