Each new member will present to the School Committee Secretary official certification of having sworn the oath of office before an officer duly qualified to administer oaths prior to entering on his/her official duties as a member of the School Committee.
A newly elected member will enter upon the performance of his/her duties on the day after his/her election, as soon as the oath has been officially taken.
From the Town Clerk, newly qualified School Committee members will receive within 2 weeks, and sign a certification receipt for, a copy of the Massachusetts Open Meeting Law governing the conduct of Committee meetings in general and executive sessions in particular, a copy of other Open Meeting Law regulations and a copy of education materials prepared by the state attorney general explaining the law and its application. The certification filed with the Town Clerk will be evidence that the member of the School Committee has read and understands the requirements of the Open Meeting Law and the consequences of violating it.
From the Town Clerk, newly qualified School Committee members will receive within 30 days, and sign a written acknowledgment that he/she has received, a summary of the Conflict of Interest state law. The new member is considered a municipal employee and will complete the online training program on the Conflict of Interest law within 30 days.
MGL 30A:20, 41:107, 76:5, 268A:27, 268A:28
Region Voted to Approve:
Amherst Voted to Approve:
Pelham Voted to Approve: 3/3/11