The Amherst, Pelham and Amherst-Pelham Regional School Districts will provide a safe and inclusive environment for students and staff with life threatening allergies and physical sensitivities. The Districts will make reasonable accommodations for the allergy or physical sensitivity needs of students and staff to support the physical, social, and emotional well-being of all to promote learning.The expectation of the School Committee is for the Superintendent to establish guidelines, based on but not limited to the resources listed below, to address life threatening allergies.
These guidelines will be provided to all schools for implementation across the district. The efficacy of the established guidelines will be reviewed annually by the Office of Student Services, in conjunction with School Health Services, and a report of their findings will be provided to the Superintendent, the Wellness Committee and the School Committee.
Parents/guardians may make a request for legally-required accommodations by submitting a written request to the Principal who serves as the delegate of the Superintendent. Accommodation plans will be developed in accordance with Federal and Massachusetts laws and regulations.
RESOURCES: Managing Life Threatening Allergies in Schools, Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education; Voluntary Guidelines for Managing Food Allergies in Schools and Early Care and Education Programs, Center for Disease Control
Region Voted to Approve: 10/14/2014
Effective Date: 10/14/2014