Amherst-Pelham Regional Public Schools




170 Chestnut Street,
Amherst MA 01002

Policy ADD: Safety and Well-Being

Home 5 Policy ADD: Safety and Well-Being

The School District and the School Committee seek to create an environment that achieves equity for all students and ensures that each student is a successful learner, is fully respected, and learns to respect others. By building on strengths and overcoming impediments,the schools can ensure the academic engagement and school membership of every student from the moment she/he enrolls to the moment she/he walks across the stage at graduation.

Respect, fairness, consistency, responsibility, and appropriate social skills are essential components of our schools. Every effort, both formal and informal, that supports these values and social skills will promote a positive learning environment, increase a climate of acceptance, and improve the quality of relationships among and between students and adults.

Mechanisms and procedures must be in place in every school and in every classroom not only to ensure the physical, social, and emotional safety of students, but also to provide the supports and advocacy necessary for students. The need for safety, well-being, support, and advocacy applies to the general student body, to victims, and to alleged offenders. All members of the school community need clear expectations,reasonable limits, and established structures and procedures to ensure safety and to protect the rights of all.

All members of the school community must be aware of school rules.Non-compliance with any of these rules will lead to appropriate consequences.

The School Committee expects prevention and responsiveness on all issues of safety and well-being to be high priorities in the district and schools. Every student will report to an adult concerns about his/her safety and well-being or concerns about the safety and well-being of others. All adults in the school community will be trained in their responsibilities as First Responder to student reports,and every school will have clearly identified and trained Second Responders providing support for First Responders. All reports from students or adults regarding issues of safety and well-being will be handled objectively.

The School Committee directs the Superintendent to develop guidelines for the implementation of this policy and to publish these district guidelines in the appropriate handbooks. Building principals may establish specific protocols related to these district guidelines.


Region Voted to Approve: 11/20/07
Amherst Voted to Approve: 12/11/07
Pelham Voted to Approve: 1/03/08
Effective Date: 1/03/08