A goal of the health office at school is to ensure that your child’smedical needs are met in a safe and timely manner. This information willoutline the medication policy at school. These policies apply to bothprescription and over-the-counter medications.
* All medication must be in the original container.
* Medication should be brought to school by a responsible adult and theunused portion of the medication must be picked up at school by aresponsible adult.
* Students are not permitted to carry most medication on their person.To ensure safety, all medications are stored in a secured cabinet in thehealth room. They only medications that students are permitted to carryare inhalers, epi-pens or diabetic supplies. Health care provider andparents/guardians consent must be on file in the health room to allowstudents to carry inhalers, epi-pens or diabetic supplies.
* The first dose of medication may not be administrated during school.This is done to minimize any adverse reaction to the drug during school.
Under 10 Day Medication Administration Policy:
When your child is in need of medication at school for 10 day orless, a parent/guardian written consent for administration and themedication in the original container are required. The written consentmust contain the following information.
· Child’s Name
· Name and dose of medication to be administered
· Reason for administration of medication
· Specific time to be administered (i.e. 11:30 am)
· Start and discontinuation date of medication administration
Over 10 Day Medication Administration Policy:
In addition to the above requirements, written authorization fromyour child’s health care provider must accompany the parent/guardianconsent for administration of medication. This procedure is alsorequired for those students who may need to have their medication in thehealth room for the entire school year.
Copies of the consent for administration of medication formcan be downloaded here or are available at the nurse’s office atschool. Completed forms must be submitted to the nurse’s office.
New medication orders from the prescribing health care provider and parent/guardian must be completed for a new school year.
The school does not provide medications for students.
Medications will be destroyed 48 hours after the close of school forthe summer vacation if not picked up by a responsible adult prior tothat time.
If you have any questions about the medications at school, please contact the school nurse at:
Fort River-362-1200
Crocker Farm- 362-1600
Pelham- 362-1100