Amherst-Pelham Regional Public Schools




170 Chestnut Street,
Amherst MA 01002

Massachusetts Department of Education-English Language Learners

Home 5 Massachusetts Department of Education-English Language Learners

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, Office of English Language Acquisition and Academic Achievement

The Office of Language Acquisition works withdistricts to improve the academic achievement of English languagelearners (ELLs). This office also administers NCLB Title III funds andthe Refugee School Impact grant. Their website can be accessed here

RETELL-Stands for Rethinking Equity and Teaching forEnglish Language Learners, a new DESE course for teachers, educatingthem about teaching and supporting ELLs in the classroom. Please visit their site using this link.

WIDA Consortium is a World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment for ELLs, new ELL Standards and Assessment (came into effect as of June 2012). Their website can be accessed here.