Amherst-Pelham Regional Public Schools




170 Chestnut Street,
Amherst MA 01002

K3: Distribution of Materials Regarding Extra-curricular and Enrichment Activities

Home 5 K3: Distribution of Materials Regarding Extra-curricular and Enrichment Activities

Category K: Community Relations

Procedure K3: Distribution of Materials Regarding Extra-curricular and Enrichment Activities

The District supports student and family participation in extra-curricular and enrichment activities. To this end, the District will regularly gather and distribute information about opportunities that are available in the communities of Amherst, Pelham, Leverett and Shutesbury, as well as other surrounding communities. Information shall be provided that is deemed a benefit to our students and families.

To facilitate this participation, the District will distribute information through a variety of communications platforms, including but not limited to mailings, flyers sent home with students, emails, postings on District/school websites, and phone messages.

Information distributed to students and their families regarding community, non-District sponsored events will comply with the following conditions:

  • Communications will be subject to approval by the Superintendent or his/her designee.
  • Communications must clearly indicate that the activity/service is not a school-sponsored event.
  • Communications must be made available to the District in a “ready-to-go” format to reduce time and effort required by the District in order to distribute.
  • The order or placement of communications will be determined by the Superintendent or his/her designee, at his/her discretion.
  • For communications that require time and resources of the District, a processing fee may be charged.
  • For communications distributed on a regular schedule, the deadlines and distribution schedule will be determined and maintained by the Central Office of the District or each school, as appropriate.

It is the preference of the District to highlight non-commercial events and activities; however, services and events offered by individuals or for-profit businesses will be considered. While fees for participation are allowable, consideration will be given to economic/financial accessibility; in particular whether discounts or scholarships are available for students or families who may need financial assistance/relief.  In all instances, communications shall comply with any district policies on advertising and solicitation. 

All listings and communications must be deemed to be a benefit to District students and their families. Determination of this status will be the discretion of the Superintendent or her/his designee.



Authorizing Document(s)

POLICY KDA: Communications With Citizens

POLICY KHA: Distribution Of Written Materials On School Property At School Events



July 2014