Amherst-Pelham Regional Public Schools




170 Chestnut Street,
Amherst MA 01002

Information Technology

Home 5 Information Technology

Jerry Champagne
Director of Information Systems
(413) 362-1884

IS Staff:

Our mission is to use technology in order to:

  • Improve and enhance the depth, breadth, and quality of student learning.
  • Develop the knowledge and skills necessary to pursue further education and obtain employment.
  • Develop the attitudes, values and ethics needed to function responsibly in the emerging information society.
  • Offer opportunities for leaning about technology as a discipline of study.
  • Connect school, community and world-wide resources.

For staff technical assistance please create a work order using our Help Desk:

Use your school email address. The first time you connect you’ll have to click the Forgot link to have a link emailed to you to set a password.