Category G: Personnel
Substitute teachers are responsible for all teaching duties including:
- Remaining on duty, if full-time, for the full work day except when released earlier by the building principal;
- Understanding and abiding by the provisions of the Substitute Handbook and Boundaries Document;
- Attending staff meetings unless released by the building principal;
- Correcting and returning student assignments to which they have been assigned;
- Handling assigned administrative duties such as study hall or cafeteria supervision; and
- Maintaining required records such as attendance, accident reports, and grades.
Qualifications and Selection
- The selection of substitute teachers is the responsibility of the Human Resources Office and potential substitutes may be referred by building principals or teachers on staff.
- Substitute teachers should have some form of teacher certification except for practice teachers, which shall follow the procedures noted below.
- Substitute teachers should provide references from previous teaching or intern positions.
Rates of Pay
Fringe Benefits and Records
- Substitute teachers must report to the Human Resources Office to complete necessary tax records and other employment forms before beginning any work in the district.
- Building principals will ensure that appropriate time records, including verified statements on rates of pay, are forwarded to the School Business Office.
- Substitute teachers are not entitled to fringe benefits such as retirement, health insurance, sick or personal leave, and life insurance.
Regular Substitutes
A schedule of substitute pay rates will be maintained by the Human Resources Office. Substitutes will be compensated depending upon their designation, as approved by the Human Resources Office, as follows:
Full-day rates:
- Basic Daily Rate
- Enhanced Daily Rate–For those individuals who have worked previously for a particular principal and who possess some form of teaching certification. This rate requires the recommendation of, and a request by, the appropriate building principal. (Note: Principals have the right to return a substitute to the basic daily rate at any time if a high level of teaching performance is not maintained.)
- Previous Teacher Daily Rate–For those substitutes who have returned after teaching in the local school system at the same level (elementary/secondary) or for those teachers who were approved at the Enhanced Daily Rate and have substituted for 50 days within one school year. (Note: Once a substitute has attained the higher Previous Teacher Daily Rate, these individuals will continue at this rate in subsequent years assuming they maintain a high level of performance.)
- Certified and Retired Rate—For those substitutes who are certified, qualified teachers who have retired from the district.
Part-time rates for regular substitutes:
- Elementary teachers will be paid at a pro-rated hourly rate based upon their category designation at either the either the Basic or Enhanced Daily Rate
- Secondary teachers will be paid at the per-class rate depending upon their designation
- Certified and retired teachers from the district will receive a designated hourly rate.
Regular Teachers Used as Substitutes
Teachers asked or required to cover a class for an absent colleague, should refer to the current collective bargaining agreement for payment information regarding Extra Class Coverage.
Paraeducators and Tutors Used as Substitutes
- Paraeducators and tutors should be used as a substitute teacher only if they are qualified to be teachers.
- Rates and procedures for paraeducators shall be in accordance with the current Amherst-Pelham Education Association Unit C contract representing paraeducators.
- Tutors hired as substitutes will be paid at the same rate as Regular Substitutes (see above). These rates will replace the tutors’ regular daily payment rates for the period of substitution.
Practice Teachers and Interns Used as Substitutes
- Practice teachers and interns may be used as paid substitute teachers only if the building principal cannot secure the services of any other certified teachers for this purpose and if the sending institutions so permit. Payment will be at the Basic substitute daily rate beginning with the first day.
- Upon recommendation of the supervising teacher, practice teachers and interns may substitute for their supervising teacher as part of their practicum experience if they wish and if permitted by the sending institution. Practice teachers and interns substituting for their supervising teacher will be paid at the Basic daily rate.
Supervision of Substitute Teachers
On the first day that a substitute teacher works in a building, s/he should report to the Building Principal or Assistant Principal who will provide orientation. Principals should observe new substitute teachers on their first building assignment to ensure that they are able to meet their responsibilities.
Authorizing Document(s)
POLICY CBC: Superintendent Of Schools: Appointment And Responsibilities
July 2014