Category G: Personnel
Procedure: G12 – Use of Grant Funds For the Extension of Staff Positions
This procedure provides guidance regarding staff positions that are extended using grant funding.
Teachers who receive additional pay from a grant for work performed during holidays or the summer will be paid at their daily rate.
Teachers who provide grant-funded workshops for other teachers may be paid at a rate of $50 per workshop hour. Additionally, workshop providers are entitled to 1 hour of preparation time for each hour of presentation at a rate of $25/hour.
For some grant-funded positions, the District has established stipends for work performed. The stipend is a flat fee and is intended to cover both preparation and implementation activities (for example, summer school directors).
Clerical and Paraprofessional Positions
The Director of Human Resources will determine the appropriate categorization for new clerical and paraprofessional positions created with grant funds. (It is noted that negotiation with the APEA may be necessary in order to determine the appropriate category for each position.)
It is possible for a grant to provide for an extension of hours or length of year for existing part-time or school-year employees only. In these cases, the employees should be paid at their regular rate of pay. All such extensions must receive the approval of the administrator supervising the grant and the Director of Human Resources. In no case should additional hours be given to full-time employees, nor should anyone receive additional support that increases them beyond a 100% contract.
If a grant provides for an extension of hours of work, the hours must be clearly delineated and employees are responsible for meeting those hours.
For example, a full-time, school-year employee (180 days) who is hired for an additional 10% would be expected to work 198 days. A 60% employee who works 3 days per week and receives an additional 20% under a grant would be expected to work 4 days per week.
There are occasions in which full-time High School or Middle School teachers may agree to teach an additional section. When this occurs, the teacher will be compensated at the rate of 10% of their annual salary.
Some grants may provide funding to hire or expand the hours of an administrator. More often, grant administration will be considered an in-kind contribution of the school system. In either case, full-year administrators may not extend their time beyond 100%. Part-time or school-year administrators may add additional time to their part-time positions for the purpose of administering grants. Such additional time must receive the approval of the Superintendent.
Administrators whose positions are partially funded by a grant will be paid at the same rate as their usual rate of pay (whether they are paid under administrative or teacher contracts). Additional administrative time called for in a grant will be explicitly added to their work year and must be approved by their supervisor.
For example, a 60% school year position may be extended to 80% or 100%, with the expectation of increase in weekly hours. A full-time, school-year position may be extended by as much as 10% (18 days) or 20% (36 days) with accountability for the additional days in the summer. In no case may an administrator have a contract that exceeds 100%, full-year.
Authorizing Document(s)
POLICY DD: Funding Proposals and Applications
POLICY CHA: Development of Regulations
July 2014