Welcome to the Amherst Regional Public Schools (ARPS). Whether you have just moved to Amherst, are re-enrolling in the district, or are transitioning from a private school we look forward to working with you, your child, and your family to make your experience a successful one. See the Elementary School Finder to learn where your child will attend school. To register online please visit this link.
Visit our Main Registration Page with current and upcoming school years.
You will need to provide the following required documentation to Central Office in order to complete the enrollment process:
- Student Identification: Original Birth Certificate, Proof of Birth/Temporary Card (given at the hospital), Passport
- Parent/Guardian Identification: Government issued photographic form of identification (Driver’s License or State ID, Passport or UMASS ID)
- Custody Records: If applicable to your family situation, proof of physical custody, which has been granted by a court of law, must be submitted. Example: Official court issued documents, Official letters from Department of Children and Families.
- Immunization records must be documented by a licensed health care provider or school health record and must include month, date, and year of each immunization. Massachusetts State law does NOT allow a student to be enrolled until the immunization documentation is presented and shows that the student is fully immunized.
- A copy of a physical examination that has been given within the last 9-12 months – Massachusetts law requires that such proof be provided prior to the start of school. If a new physical examination is required, we must receive the name of the doctor and the time and date that a new physical is to be given.
- Provide proof of grade level – report card or progress report (For students entering Grade 1 through 12 only)
- Copy of IEP or 504 Plan (if applicable)
- Proof of Residency: Please submit at least (3) three documents, as proof of residency. NO EXEMPTIONS to this requirement. One from Each:
A. Current – Copy of Deed, Copy of Lease or Section 8 Agreement. If the prospective student is living with a friend or family member: The parent/legal guardian and student(s) need to be included in the Lease/Section 8 agreement as authorized tenants.
B. A utility bill or work order dated within the past 60 days. Example: Gas bill, Oil bill, Electric bill, Cable bill under the parent/guardian’s name.
C. Dated within the past year: W2 form, Excise (vehicle tax bill), Property tax bill, Current vehicle registration; or Dated within the past 60 days: Letter from approved government agency, Payroll stub, or Bank statement.
We will make every effort to register your child(ren) as soon as possible, however, there are times when this process can and will take several days. You can expedite this process greatly if you provide all required documentation at the time of registration. THE ENROLLMENT CANNOT BE COMPLETED IF THESE DOCUMENTS ARE NOT SUBMITTED.
Information for Registration (eng) Información para Matrícula 您需要的信息:完成您的注册 Renseignements Importants Pour Inscrire Votre Enfant