Amherst-Pelham Regional Public Schools




170 Chestnut Street,
Amherst MA 01002

DFG: Student Activity Funds

Home 5 DFG: Student Activity Funds

Fiscal Management: Student Activity Funds

In addition to a student’s classroom experience, the School Committee recognizes the benefit of pupils participating in co-curricular activities, which provide important learning and social experiences.  Whereas these activities are related to the overall educational experience, the committee has an obligation to provide efficient procedures for their creation, operation and demise, as well as a system for the safeguarding, accounting and internal control of student extracurricular activity funds.  For approved student activities, the raising and expending of activity money by student bodies should have but one purpose:  to promote the general welfare, education and morale of all students through the financing of the normal legitimate co-curricular activities of the student body operation. Recognizing that these monies belong to the students and not to the Amherst Pelham Regional Schools, it is the intent of the committee to insure that adequate controls are in place to safeguard these monies and that sound business guidelines are in place to govern the operation of these accounts.  To that end, the Committee adopts the provisions of Chapter 71, section 47 of the Massachusetts General Laws as amended by Chapter 66 of the Special Acts of 1996.

The Finance Director of the Amherst-Pelham Regional School District shall develop and implement guidelines and procedures for the administration and ongoing operation of all student activity fund accounts, to be approved by the Superintendent of Schools.  



Region—May 8, 2018