Category D: Fiscal Management
Expense Report Documentation (Out-of-District Travel and Conferences)
Receipts should always be obtained since reimbursements cannot be processed without proper receipts. Acceptable receipts include hotel billings, parking lot receipts, toll booth receipts, conference agendas (fee schedule), canceled checks, restaurant receipts, credit card billings, etc. Note: Reimbursement requests must exclude personal telephone calls, alcoholic beverages, personal items and other non-business entertainment expenses, which are not reimbursable.
Meal reimbursement is set to the U.S. General Service Administration daily rate for Springfield, MA, adjusted annually for the current fiscal year. The GSA daily rate will establish the maximum daily reimbursement possible for total meals claimed per day. Actual reimbursement will be based on expenditures, which may differ from the maximum daily rate. Receipts for meals should be obtained whenever possible. When dining in large groups or in other situations where obtaining receipts is problematic, they are not required. However, a detailed account of expenses must be made on the appropriate lines of the expense report (breakfast, lunch, dinner).
A purchase order for airfare should be submitted between two to six weeks prior to the date of the flight. It is the responsibility of the staff member to identify the most economical and appropriate direct flight to their destination. Employees should consult with the Business office regarding detailed procedures for purchase and reimbursement, which may differ between districts.
Most hotels require a credit card to hold a room, but not for payment. Employees are expected to use their own credit card to book hotel rooms. Staff should submit a purchase order made out to the hotel where they are staying at least one month prior to their stay. The purchase order should include the cost of the hotel room plus any applicable taxes.
Once the purchase order is approved, the Business Office will provide the staff member with a check made payable to the hotel prior to their stay. The staff member will use the check to pay for the hotel room when they check in.
Trip Cancellations
In rare occasions, circumstances may arise that require staff to cancel or forgo a trip. Staff must obtain written approval from the Superintendent to cancel/forgo any trip where the District has already incurred a cost or is obligated to incur a cost. A copy of the written approval must be submitted to the Business Office. If written approval is not submitted to the Business Office, the staff member will be responsible to reimburse the District for any costs incurred.
Advance Payments/Reimbursement
There will not be advance reimbursement to employees for anticipated expenses. Advance payment to non-school related entities may be made to cover partial or full payment for registration, accommodation, commercial travel, etc. (see Direct Payments above).
Appropriate forms are available in the Business Office.
Authorizing Document(s)
POLICY DI: Fiscal Accounting And Reporting
July 2014