
Home 5 Transportation

Peter Crouse
Transportation Coordinator
(413) 362-1852

Office Staff:

General Information

The transportation department operates and maintains a fleet of nineschool buses and fourteen school vans. Both the buses and vans are usedon a daily basis to transport students to and from school both inAmherst and to outside placements. The department also providestransportation to athletic and cultural events both locally andout-of-state.

We are not obligated by law to provide transportation for studentswho are not resident members of our districts or live less than 1.5miles from the schools.

Bus routes reverse in the afternoon to allow the majority of theriders to exit the bus as soon as possible, unless road conditions donot allow it. Routes accommodate road conditions, potential turn aroundsand underpasses in inclement weather.  Students are bused in theirdistrict within their school boundary.

Some areas of the bus routes will pick up kindergarten and not grades1-6, or will pick up kindergarten and grades 1-3 and not grades 4-6.Students are notified when they must be walkers and do not ride the bus.