Disclaimer: This handbook is not an irrevocable contractual commitment to the student, but only reflects the current status of District rules and policies put forth by the School Committees of Amherst Public Schools, Amherst-Pelham Regional Public Schools, and Pelham Public Schools.
If you need documents translated into Spanish, Korean, Chinese, or other, please contact Lindsay Grant at (413) 362‐1825.
If you need documents translated into Spanish, Korean, Chinese, or Portuguese, please contact Lindsay Grant at (413) 362-1825.
Si usted necesita traducción de documentos, favor comunicarse con Lindsay Grant, al (413) 362-1825.
한국어로 번역 된 문서가 필요한 경우 Lindsay Grant (413-362-1825)에게 문의하십시오.
如果您有需要翻译的文件,请联系Lindsay Grant。联系电话: (413) 362-1825。
Se você precisar de tradução de documentos, entre em contato Lindsay Grant em (413) 362-1825.