School Nurse/Nurse Manager: Sonia Jaworski Phone: 413-362-1743
School Nurse: Nora Zinan Phone: 413-362-1744
Fax Number: 413-549-9753
The nurse’s office is located on the first floor of the high school in Room 110. Enter through the main entrance, turn left at the main office, and the nurse’s office is down the hall on the left. Important Information about the flu season — please read!
Health Policies
Emergency Cards
An emergency information card is sent home with each student at the start of the school year. Families are requested to complete and return the card to school as soon as possible. This card is used to collect information to contact families in the event of an accident, illness or emergency at school. It also asks for information on medical conditions that the school should be aware of. Please contact the school nurse office at any time during the school year if your address, phone numbers or emergency contact information changes.
Medications At School
All medications (prescription and over-the-counter) must be kept in the school health office and must be presented in their original containers. Parent/guardian consent must be completed for each medication to be administered. A heath care provider must complete a written medication order for any medication prescribed for use over a 10-day period.Self-administration and consent to carry medication can be arranged between the school nurse, parent/guardian and health care provider for inhalers and EpiPens only. The school does not provide medication for students. Any medication to be used at school must be brought in by the student’s family. The health office cannot store medication over the summer. Any medication that is not picked up at the end of the school year will be destroyed. See also the school district’s medication policy.
Student Dismissal for Illness or Accident
Any student requesting early dismissal from school due to illness or accident must be seen in the school nurse office. The nurse will contact the family to make arrangements and provide written documentation that is then presented to the main office for dismissal.
Physical examinations
Physical examinations are required of all students entering the district and students entering grades K, 4, 7, and 10. A healthcare provider can use their own physical exam form or use the standard Massachusetts Department of Public Health form, as well as the proof of immunization.
In accordance with Massachusetts General Law, students are to be immunized as specified by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health.See details about Immunizations.