Virtual Guidance Office – Click on this link to enter the Guidance Office
Main Number: 413-362-1720, Crystal Garrity (Room 101)
The ARHS Guidance Office is located on the first floor of the high school, in Room 101, across from the main office. The office is open from 7:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. during the school year.
Guidance Counselors:
- Sherry Balzano
- Kody Crawford
- Kelly Larcheveque
- Alessandra Mucci-Ramos
- Lisa Zephyr, Department Chair
College Advisor:
- Deidre Cuffee-Gray, College Advisor
Mental Health/School Adjustment Counselors:
- GaBrilla Ballard, 504 Coordinator/School Adjustment Counselor
- Karen Peters, LICSW – BRYT Program Clinical Coordinator/School Adjustment Counselor